Location: Brussels, Belgium

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Well, there’s nothing new in my neck of the woods. I was supposed to go to London this weekend, but that fell through due to the price tag of the entire trip that was mounting well over 200 Euros. Since I’m going on a trip next weekend touring WWI battlegrounds and the like starting here in Belgium and stopping in France and Luxembourg, I figure I should save my money until then. And besides, some friends and I recently decided to go to Barcelona during the following weekend to celebrate my birthday! I haven’t been there before, but I hear it’s a blast. I can’t wait.

Last week I took advantage of my longer-than-normal hair and let my roommate cut it into a fohawk. It was fun being a European for a while, but I soon cut it to my normal style.

Obviously things haven’t calmed down and will inevitably get worse with paper proposals and project deadlines quickly approaching. On top of that, student government continues to keep me busy but also keeps me frustrated. Our terms seem to be too short to do much so if things aren’t done quickly and efficiently they will dissolve. Unfortunately, Belgium is anti-efficient and anti-productivity so there isn’t much working in our favor.

Tuesday was also an outstanding day in the U.S. A friend and I joined the Democrats Abroad (a DNC branch abroad) early Wednesday morning to watch the results come in and for the first in my adult and politically conscious life, I have experienced what it feels like for success at the polls. Although I am glad the American people have finally decided to vote the right way, I am still saddened that 1) it took them six years to realize the U.S. was digging itself in a shit-hole (pardon the French) and 2) that they probably don’t realize the many issues that are at the heart of the Democratic party that are for the benefit of mankind and everyone’s well-being. The election was obviously dampened by the constant Republican scandals (don’t people realize that they have always been corrupt and hypocritical???? I thought Nixon would have been a wake up call) and the mismanaged Iraq war that was unnecessary since Day One, so hopefully this will lead the country back to the U.S.’s democratic values and serve the American citizens like it was made to be. Hopefully this election is a foreshadow of the 2008 Presidential elections…my vote is for Barack Obama (if he runs).


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