Location: Brussels, Belgium

Friday, October 06, 2006

I’ve been here for a little over three weeks and I thought I might share with you some observations I have made while being here in Brussels:

1. Although Belgians do not wear deodorant and have horrible body odor, they are the nicest people (outside of the bureaucratic tape everywhere!).
2. Every person in Belgium owns a dog. Every person owns a dog that craps in the middle of sidewalk. Every person leaves the crap his or her dog drops in the sidewalk. It is sometimes unavoidable to step in dog crap.
3. You must bring your own bags to the grocery store to bag your items.
4. Nowhere besides the US sells peanut butter.
5. Belgium has the most unpredictable weather that can expectedly change within minutes.
6. Always carry an umbrella regardless whether you leave your house and cannot see a single cloud in the sky.
7. The Belgian bureaucracy is the most confusing and unorganized bureaucracy in the world.
8. Fraternities do exist outside American universities.
9. The Mexican stereotype of being a “cholo” exists outside the US.
10. Spanish is known in Belgium probably just as much, if not more, than English.
11. Nothing is open before 9am and after 5pm in Belgium.
12. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is open on Sunday in Belgium and the rest of Europe.
13. Wine is ridiculously cheap (I haven’t found a bottle over 10 Euros or about $13 yet!).
14. Beer is more common and cheaper than any other beverage in Belgium.
15. Water is the most expensive beverage.
16. Beer is sold in the school cafeteria that is only open during lunch.
17. Smoking is still common in Europe.
18. Do not ever speak French in Flanders and never speak Dutch (Flemish) in the French speaking areas.
19. Belgium may possibly split into two countries in the next couple of decades according to their dialects.
20. Hardly anyone in Belgium is Belgian.


Blogger LaNena said...

So where are most of the people in Belgium from? Why do so many people speak Spanish? Are there a lot of Latin Americans or Spanish people there?

Sounds like you had a blast at Oktoberfest. Is the girl on the picture a German person you met at the fest or is she one of your roomies?

Your time in Belgium sounds like it's starting off pretty good so far. Each of your entries makes me more excited for you and more eager to go abroad again myself. Thanks for the inspiration!


8:41 AM  
Blogger Vicente said...

There isn't one place that most people are from...everyone is from everywhere. It's kinda cool.

I'm guessing so many people speak Spanish because of the geographic closeness of Spain and that Spanish is like English in the sense that many people know it and understand it. I haven't met any Latin Americans here outside of my program...all Spanish people.

The girl in the picture is not a roommate. I didn't know her beforehand, but she turned out to be awesome! Can't wait to visit Germany again.


10:58 AM  

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