Location: Brussels, Belgium

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My First Weekend

My first weekend actually started Thursday. I caught up with some friends that I met in DC before I left, Amber and Jake, and some other friends, Davina and Laura. We first met up at a nice, but hot, restaurant and headed straight to a bar. Davina and Amber had apparently already established themselves at this particular bar and the drinking seemed to be endless as a result. I was excited to have my first taste of authentic Belgian beer, but was not prepared for the alcohol percentage content they contained. It seems that all the beers have between 9 and 11 percentage of alcohol. So, two Belgian beers are the equivalent of three American beers…I did not see that coming! We didn’t make it to bed until 5am and, naturally, that was not without waking the neighbors. Oops. Needless to say Friday felt like the worst hangover EVER!

After I recovered Friday night, I met up with at least 30 others 1st year master students and mingled at two separate bars. I met people from all over the world starting from the Bahamas to Norway. Everyone was extremely nice and very social. They did seem mostly in the late 20’s, but were all very focused and very motivated…the environment from which I thrive.

Afterwards, we headed to a club called Sphinx and had a blast. Amber and Davina knew a DJ from there and another guy having a birthday party. We celebrated like every Arab in the club…drank, danced, and just had crazy fun. I must say, Arabs know how to party and have a good time. They remind of the Indian and Filipino communities and how they have true fun while incorporating their authentic cultural ties. Again, I ended up at home at 5am…but not drunk.

Saturday was my day to discover Brussels and learn the place where I’ll be living for the next year. Fortunately, this weekend was a special weekend here in Brussels: no driving in the city. So, the streets were filled with bikers, roller-bladers, and pedestrians trying to enjoy all the festivals, concerts, and free museums. I saw the city center, Grand Place, and the amazing architecture surrounding it, the mannekin pis, the palace, and so much more. All breath-taking. And I didn’t forget to try my first authentic Belgian waffle and it was DELICIOUS! Whoa. I have never tasted a waffle so good. The day was a definitely a memorable day. Saturday night was low-key and I met up with some friends and met some cool Norwegians whom I have learned are a jolly folk. I made it to bed by 5am and somehow I stayed sober.

In regard to the other roommate, Brett, he arrived Friday. Because I was so intoxicated Thursday night I didn’t make it home until Friday evening which is when I met him. He, like Will, is very kind and determined. He’s older as well, I think 28 years old but down to earth and well-traveled. Also, like Will he knows Spanish and spent some time in South America. We are all going to get along very well. Panteha’s father left home today, Sunday, which should be really nice since having an outside, older party makes things a little bit awkward sometimes; especially when they are always outside your bedroom door…speaking of which, I am finally settled in my bedroom and my house feels like home. So, come visit me and my new home!

Tomorrow is the first day of orientation and I’m pretty excited. I can’t wait to meet more of my classmates and learn how the rest of my year here is going to play out. I’ll get back as to how that turns out…


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