Location: Brussels, Belgium

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The past couple of weeks have been quite hectic with paper proposals due and maintaining the reins of the student government. Needless to say I am already behind in my readings, I am on top of my classes. One paper I began discusses the causes of the Arab-Israeli Conflicts from 1948 to 1973 on the differing levels of analysis of the unit, state, and international system so it’s pretty exciting especially since it will help me with my dissertation. I am not too sure on what exactly my dissertation’s thesis, but I’m pretty sure it will be about religious fundamentalism and it’s newfound influence on the international system as a main actor. Enough about school…
Last night we had an amazing Halloween party here at my house. My entire program showed up and had awesome costumes. From the Flintstones, Kill Bill characters, Wonderwoman, drag queens, the Virgin Mary, to hula dancers and the common man from India. After many years of being called Fez (from That 70’s Show), I finally decided to dress as him. It was quite awesome; I cannot lie. I bought all my clothes at a thrift store and, yes, it was all womans clothing…but it didn’t seem like it! The platforms were womans heels, the bell-bottoms were tied with a string, and the shirt had extra cloth making it possible to make a slight tie…the picture above should explain it. We all drank and danced until 4:00am without any problems and fortunately warned our neighbors of our crazy party and, in fact, had some of them over so it turned out as a complete success.
There’s nothing too exciting to report, but I’ll be going to London next week for a conference so I’m sure that should entail some fun stories. Hasta luego.


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